Tips For Decorating A Home

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It is a lovely feeling when you get to decorate your own home. Every bit of it will be planned and serve a purpose as per your requirement. Some people have a knack for designing, some develop the skill and then there are some that need guides to decorate and do it right. Here are some tips to help you decorate your home. 

The rule of thirds 

Designing follows a rule of thirds which say that things look more appealing and serene if they are grouped in odd numbers. Follow this rule for items that need to be groups like table decorations. They don’t necessarily have to be the same, but similar patters or textures can be used for grouping. This rule might not necessarily work for everything, but you can always go with your visual appeal while arranging large craft storage bins. If it looks and feel right, it just might be right. The rule of thirds follows that everything is not in order and hence not boring. 

Focus on an object 

Every room has a focal point. Living rooms may have a fire place that is the focus point of the room. Once you have found the focus point, design the room around it. Use the color that best compliments the focus point and accentuate it using other items around it. When designing, don’t forget to include storage options. We often forget about storage when we are paying attention to decorating Go through home organization products available on the market and see what fits best with your theme and need. 

It does not make sense to clutter a room with huge pieces. If your bedroom is small, don’t overpower it with a huge king sized bed. Go for something that is dainty and low to add space to your room. If your room does not have light then don’t go for darker shades lighter colors for giving it a feeling of being spacious. For smaller room, cabinets and cupboard also can become a task to incorporate. You can have a look at craft room furniture ideas options available and go for wall fittings rather than having standalone fixtures. 

Do not clutter 

It is tempting to fill up every available space with some object that fits into the space, but by doing this you will land up cluttering the space and it will all become a little too much for your room. Make it a point to intentionally leave out a space unattended. Make it speak for itself without adding any subjects to the place. You can use it to make it into a reading corner if need be, with minimal items or even just one lounge chair for cozying up with a book. While decorating a home, there is a fine line between class and clutter. It is often tempting to cross the line, but it pays to stay within and do a minimal yet sleek job of designing your home.



Writen by Emma Rosenstengel